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Sexy Screamin’ Green Crayon Dress

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Folks come to us all the time asking whether we think they have what it takes to succeed in the coloring business. We always remind them that we’re the Halloween costume people, and politely suggest that they ask someone else. But they got us thinking: what would it take to make great crayons? Like anything, it probably requires guts, determination, and hard work. But you might also need the kind of insight that only comes from making crayons for generation upon generation.

For instance, do you know how to make the color green scream? It seems like a simple question, but we asked our best people to brainstorm the answer, and it nearly broke them. At the end of a week, we opened the conference room door to find mounds of wadded-up paper and feverish crayon marks all over the walls. Somehow we didn’t think this was how they did it at Crayola, so we wrote them a letter one sunny day to ask for some pointers.

And we never did get a letter back, but a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky that very afternoon. Then it hit us: making the color green scream is about finding the beauty in ourselves, not tortured scribbling in windowless rooms! All you have to do is truly love the color green, and it will come through loud and clear. Neat! So if you love crayons, the color green, and unfettered self-expression, we should probably be the ones asking you for advice. And if you need the perfect costume, we’ve got it right here.

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