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Plus Size Ghostly Gentleman Costume

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We know how long it takes to get ready for the seriously sophisticated soirees. You spend several hours contemplating which kind of regalia is right to wear and then how to style your hair, what accessories to bring with. By the time that you’re ready, it sometimes feels like it has been forever since you started the whole process. It can be down right exhausting. We understand that dilemma all too well. Of course, sometimes, that figurative forever becomes a little more literal…

So, you were trying to get ready and just couldn’t convince yourself of which assortment was right and not only did the party come and go, but so did your time on this mortal coil. What is a haunt to do now!? Forced to forever dwell on what could have been, staring at a closet that has long been emptied, you’d think that the new tenants would at least be willing to give you their advice on your attire… but, they don’t seem to exactly perceive you. What luck!?

Well, friend, we are here to help! You no longer need to worry about struggling with how to clean yourself up for that annual party that you always sense is just around the corner. We have a whole line of dapper duds just for the deceased and this Plus Size Ghostly Gentleman costume is right up your haunted alley. Gossamer white and gray polyester fabric makes up this suit complete with a wide tailcoat and sewn buttons on the velour vest. The hemlines are all tattered as to represent your ghostly state and we’ve even readied your hairstyle with this silver synthetic hair wig to go with the perfectly matching top hat. We might recommend a cane or even spectacles to accessories, but you’ll look ghoulishly good and won’t need to worry about the shackle of that closet ever again!

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